How to Upload Save Data Ps3 Psn Plus

How to move game save files from your PS3 to PlayStation Now on PS4

Pfft...who needs backwards compatibility anyways?

Unlike with Microsoft's Xbox One, Sony hasn't enabled any kind of hardware backwards compatibility with the PlayStation 4. That means yous tin't pop an sometime PS3 disc into the drive and look it to launch one of your all-time favorites from back when, nor can you hit the PlayStation Store and download an former PS3 pick ... well, unless it's a remastered edition, of course.

Merely Sony has a dissimilar kind of solution instead: PlayStation Now.

The cloud-based service is attainable via PlayStation iv and PC, and it lets you tap into a vast library of hundreds of PlayStation 3 titles at any time. The games stream over the internet to your PS4 or PC, and and then long as you take a potent enough connectedness, yous should get steady performance. At its all-time, it's most indistinguishable from running the original discs or downloads.

Even so, if you lot have an one-time save game on your PS3, you lot might be bummed to have to beginning over again in a meaty game similar Blood-red Dead Redemption, The Last of U.s., or the newly-added Fallout 3. Simply maybe you don't accept to be.

If yous have a PlayStation Plus subscription, then you can easily transfer your one-time save files to the cloud on your PS3 and then pick them dorsum upward on the PS4 - peculiarly if yous can't upgrade the storage on your PS3.

Hither's how.

Step 1. Apply the deject

PlayStation Plus is the key to online play and gratuitous monthly games for PlayStation owners, but there'southward another large perk that'due south deeper in the details: Plus Online Storage. Substantially, it's a cloud locker for your precious game saves.

This can exist helpful for keeping your saves backed upwards for peace of mind, or letting you play beyond multiple PS4s, it'south also perfect for bringing your quondam PS3 saves upwardly to your electric current-gen console for PlayStation Now usage.

Before you lot take hold of a controller, be sure to browse the PlayStation At present game listings on your PlayStation four or via the website. You lot'll want to know which PS3 games you programme to revisit on PS4, so you tin make sure to move all of your needed game saves at i fourth dimension.

Bold that you lot didn't already toss your PS3 saves into the cloud long agone, you'll demand your PlayStation 3 for this one – so if it'due south buried in a cupboard somewhere, take a moment to dig it out and grit it off. Once information technology's fired upwards, just head to the Game column in the XMB menu interface and select Saved Information Utility (PS3).

From there, simply navigate to any game on the listing, tap the triangle button, and you'll see a Copy command with the PlayStation Plus logo next to it. Hitting that, choose the Online Storage folder that pops up, and you'll be able to send the file upwards in an instant. If you have multiple salve files, or separate save and profile files, then you should probably upload everything you have for each game. Better to practise it now than need to burn down up the PS3 once again for it later.

If you are uploading save content from multiple games, you can save a few steps besides. When you tap triangle on any game, navigate upwards to Copy Multiple instead, and you can select several games at in one case. Yous can even Select All and get information technology all done in one move.

Once you lot have your files up in the cloud, you're done with the PS3.

Step 2. Import the saves on PS4

Now it's time to switch over to the PlayStation 4. Fire up the console and hit the PlayStation Now app to choose which game y'all want to play.

Once you have a PS3 game up and running on the PS4, y'all'll need to play around in the menus a bit to get the relieve file onto your current console.

Press the Home push on the DualShock 4 controller to pull up the PlayStation Now carte du jour and navigate over to Display PS Now XMB Carte du jour. Essentially, it'due south a meaty version of the familiar PS3 menu, and it holds the key to pulling your former save into the PlayStation At present game.

Here you'll see the familiar Saved Data Utility (PS3) option, so tap X and enter. Information technology'll have y'all quit the game, so go alee and agree to that. Enter the Online Storage binder that appears next, and yous'll detect the complete listing of all the files you sent upwards to the deject. From hither, information technology'south only a matter of pressing triangle on a game, selecting Copy, and waiting the second or two it takes for each file to download. And every bit before, at that place's a Copy Multiple choice at the top that'll save some monotony here.

Hit the circle button a couple times to back out of menus and you'll exist given the pick to leave the utility and go back to your PlayStation Now game. Exercise that, and your salve file should be ready and waiting for you lot to load and continue.

Information technology takes a fleck of work and a couple of consoles, but the finish effect is the ability to choice upwardly where you left off on your former PlayStation three games – but now on your PlayStation 4 instead. With massive games similar Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas added recently, along with many more than epic experiences and erstwhile favorites in the PlayStation Now library, you lot might exist tempted to loop back on some classics. Thankfully, you won't have to sacrifice your difficult-earned progress to do so.

Alternatively: Become back to the future!

If for some reason you start playing a PlayStation Now game on your PS4 and y'all determine that you'd rather continue the quest on your PS3 (with a disc or download), you can motility a save file dorsum past substantially reversing the procedure.

From within the PlayStation Now game on PS4, striking the Home button, enter the Saved Data Utility (PS4), and so choose which Now save yous desire to re-create to the cloud. Go back to your PlayStation 3, enter the same menu from the XMB main menu and enter the Online Storage folder. You'll be able to copy the relieve locally from in that location and keep the game you started on PlayStation At present.

  • Don't forget, every calendar month PlayStation Plus offers gratis games, too!


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