How to Write a Review for Your Work

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Sometimes, a company will ask its employees to write their own operation reviews. Employers use these self-reviews to obtain the employee'south perspective on his or her performance. Yous shouldn't be afraid of this exercise; it'due south a hazard to highlight what you've done well. It's very important that yous showcase your work, achievements and performance in the best possible manner.

Sample Performance Reviews

  1. 1

    Effigy out the format your visitor wants. Performance reviews can vary depending on the business. Some companies may ship out an electronic functioning review. Others will have policies that outline very specific categories that they want you to discuss.

    • Use the format desired by the company, if in that location is one. Be careful to follow any templates the company provides carefully so you don't miss anything or look sloppy. Sometimes the visitor will just ask you to fill out a form. In other cases, you volition need to turn in a fully written review.
    • It'southward fifty-fifty better if you figure out what your company wants well before the performance review is due. That way, y'all tin keep runway of accomplishments that fit the required categories throughout the twelvemonth. You can as well make sure yous fine-melody your performance to come across performance review categories.[1]
  2. 2

    Don't rush the review. This needs to highlight your best work, so make sure the review is typo and grammer-mistake gratis. Information technology's a good thought to have more than than one draft, and to work ahead on it.

    • Recollect that this review will stop upwardly part of your permanent employment record, then have information technology very seriously. If anything ever happens to your employment, and you want to contest it, the functioning reviews in the file could exist disquisitional.
    • You must use professional linguistic communication in the review. Be concise too. To exist concise, unmarried out a handful of things you did best during the year to discuss more than thoroughly. You tin can continue the functioning review on a couple of pages. You do not demand to inundate your bosses with too many details nigh every single affair. Focus on the highlights, while backing them up with some specific prove. Merely learn how to self-edit. No one wants to read a 30-page performance review.[2]


  3. 3

    Stay organized throughout the year and before writing. Before yous write the review, you should get together key documents that will brand the writing easier. It's a corking idea to collect these throughout the course of the year.

    • Yous may desire to include examples of your piece of work, if the visitor's format allows this with the performance review. Choose the samples carefully; they need to highlight your accented best work. Gather any objectives that were prepare in the previous review.
    • Gather whatever performance notes you took or progress reviews your boss gave y'all mid-year (if you lot have such things). Any personal work notes you took during the year might help you with the writing process besides. Such year-round journals volition help you make your review more specific and meaningful.
  4. 4

    Determine your company'south expectations. It's a great idea to get these in writing. What exactly does your visitor look of you? If you aren't clear what these are, enquire. It's meaning to link your performance evaluation to the company'due south goals for you lot.

    • You lot could deconstruct your job description. Keep in listen that it might be out-of-date and doesn't include some unstated expectations, though. But it tin can help you organize your thoughts.
    • Break downward each job responsibleness listed and decide how yous've met it in a practical sense. You have a correct to receive clear expectations from your visitor. If you don't accept any, information technology can be too easy for subjective, unfair criticisms to creep into a review.[3]


  1. ane

    Emphasize the highlights of your performance most. Don't be as well modest. A performance review is your opportunity to single out those things you did that are most worthy. Tout them. Exist proud of them.

    • Focus the report effectually the things you did all-time during the yr that had the most bear upon on the company. You want to choose things you did that nearly closely matched the visitor'due south mission and that were specifically mentioned in your terminal operation review. Yous don't need to discuss everything you did during a year.
    • Practice bear witness diplomacy and professionalism in how you lot highlight your accomplishments, though. Stay positive, and don't insult or put down colleagues. Stay focused on the merits of your piece of work.
    • Don't forget to mention the achievements you made early in the performance menstruum. Sometimes people focus on the things they did toward the terminate.[4]
  2. 2

    Outline tangible benefits from your performance. Anyone tin can write a report filled with several platitudes and generalities. If you support what yous say with evidence, it's more persuasive.

    • Fill your performance review with facts, figures, and specific dates. For instance, let's say your job is to run social media accounts for a company. It would be a good idea to include metrics with your review (new likes accomplished, engagement, things like that.) Figure out what metric yous tin can use to add some credibility to your claims.
    • Compare your results dorsum to the company'south goals and overall mission. That way, you are demonstrating your value as an employee.
  3. 3

    Outline and discuss performance goals. The review should be very specific when information technology comes to listing performance goals that you lot want to accomplish during the next year. You should too talk about developmental goals, which are things yous strive to accomplish.

    • Explain how you will accomplish those goals. Include an assessment of the specific performance goals outlined at the offset of the review menstruum, and how well you met them.
    • If you were as well asked to do work outside your task description or showed initiative to get above and across the call of duty, it's good to mention that as well.
  4. iv

    Discuss core competencies. Most likely, your company has a set of core competencies that it expects you to run into on the job. You should outline those, and discuss them in some depth.

    • Focus on how you lot demonstrated the competencies expected specifically and mention how y'all went above and across the expectations.
    • Using the words of the company's own competencies is important because it volition concretely link your achievements back to the visitor'south expectations. And so speak the visitor'southward lingo.
  5. five

    Choose ratings carefully. Some operation reviews will enquire you to rate yourself. You should empathize obviously what the ratings yous are choosing hateful.

    • A 5 rating unremarkably means you showed leadership and are a change agent at the company. A 4 rating typically ways you exhibited beliefs that has exceeded the company's standards and provided role modeling.
    • A 3 rating means you have met the behaviors expected (generally). But you should check with your company to brand certain how the company defines and perceives each rating score. To some companies, a 3 rating might hateful average and non perceived as good enough. A 1 or 2 would be a poor self-review, which is not going to go you very far.
  6. 6

    Organize the review for greatest effectiveness. Sometimes companies will inquire for the review in a pre-fix order. If they don't, the way you organize the review tin can exist very important.

    • Start with a stiff, positive opening argument. This argument should provide the bottom-line summary of your yr.[v]
    • Listing your accomplishments next, including the details to dorsum them upwards. For every achievement, ask yourself "and then what"? This helps you lot focus on evidence that shows how your contribution was relevant or valuable. You would never want to kickoff a operation review with a negative.
    • If at that place is a goal you didn't meet or an expanse you admit y'all need to amend, don't put it at the end of the written report either. That's because you desire to start with a positive and end with a positive. The catastrophe matters because it'southward sometimes what people call back most. Put the things you demand to improve in the middle.


  1. one

    Go on the review focused on yourself. This sounds obvious; after all, you're existence asked to appraise yourself. However, sometimes people make the mistake of going negative and bringing up others.

    • Don't use defensive language in the review. Stay as positive as you lot can. For case, you lot could write "I respect others' fourth dimension and schedule my meetings in accord with the schedules of my teammates, colleagues, and clients when possible." The fourth dimension of the example is positive and presents y'all in a good low-cal.
    • And keep other people out of it. Now is non the time to criticize other people's piece of work or personalities.
    • It'south also not a practiced idea to compare yourself to other people in the review when highlighting an achievement. You lot can highlight what you've washed without denigrating colleagues who didn't achieve the same thing.
  2. 2

    Provide some constructive criticism of your weaknesses. If a operation review is filled with only over-the-top superlatives, information technology'southward not going to audio very realistic. Nonetheless, acknowledging mistakes should exist done very cautiously.

    • You want to write the criticism sections so that they give the sense y'all are actively working on the outcome. For case, you might write, "Because I am intensely focused on the assigned tasks, and a perfectionist when performing them at times, I tin sometimes be perceived as edgeless toward some of my colleagues. I am working on the fashion I communicate in such circumstances." This statement gives a positive sense of the writer (existence a perfectionist with intense focus can likewise be a good thing on the job) in improver to acknowledging a weakness.
    • Place some areas where you need to improve. However, don't fill up the entire review with them. Make the review mostly about your accomplishments, while providing a couple of acknowledgements of places yous are working to ameliorate or develop. Yet, practice not be overly disquisitional of yourself for too long, or you lot will sound every bit if you lack confidence.[6]
    • 1 good way to practise this is to focus on the positive past introducing a suggestion for improvement. E'er stay positive and activeness-oriented. Utilise developmental language. Instead of saying you failed at something, say that this is an expanse you want to work on, and explicate how y'all plan to do and so.[7]
  3. three

    Lobby for career development opportunities. If yous are seeking more training or to be included in meetings, a operation review is a place where you tin outline these things. However, don't apply a functioning review to negotiate bounty.

    • Yous could also nowadays any thoughts you have for innovative projects that will help the company.
    • Find out how your boss will utilize the functioning review. Determine whether information technology will be shared with others, whether it will be used to give out bonuses, and then along.
  4. 4

    Use complete sentences. Sometimes people dump their notes into a performance review, and it can sound very sloppy. You don't desire your review to sound like your abridged notes.

    • For example, don't use a phrase similar "content revisions" that is besides brusque. Information technology's amend to use a complete sentence in which you elaborate on the point. You could use bullets to organize information.
    • Keep in mind that your straight supervisor might non be the only person who will read the performance review. It might go up the chain to fifty-fifty college level managers, and so information technology needs to explain information in a clear and detailed manner, rather than assuming that everyone knows what yous did or mean.[8]
  5. 5

    Stay positive and honest at all times. Fifty-fifty when yous're mentioning an area needing improvement, you tin can spin it into the future. Focus on the hereafter, not any failures of the past.

    • You don't want to sound negative, carping, angry, or arrogant. You want to stay positive, sound like a squad player, and highlight your accomplishments with dignified tone.
    • If there's something you lot don't like about the visitor, this is not really the place to unload. This is your chance to highlight why you are needed by the company.
  6. 6

    Show, don't tell. You must provide specifics when yous write a functioning review. Don't only provide general statements.

    • For example, rather than maxim, "I can always be depended upon to perform my job. My punctuality daily and at meetings and attendance is skillful," you could provide verbal attendance figures and requite specific examples that demonstrate your dependability.
    • Backing upward general statements with show (including numbers) will make your review more meaningful and credible.


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    Where can I find a sample performance review for an executive banana?

    Community Answer

    As Human resource, professional person writing performance reviews is expected, but equally an employee self-reviews are becoming a standard and can be immensely.

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    Where can I find a sample performance review for a nurse in a Clinic?

    Community Answer

    Go along the dispensary's website, then type in the nurse you desire to await at in the "search staff" bar at the top, and when the search results come you should see a sample performance review option.

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    Where I tin can detect a sample performance review for a infirmary front desk receptionist?

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    Google is ever a expert pick and unremarkably can be used to finds examples of things that you need.

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  • Work ahead, and don't try to write the review the night earlier it's due.

  • Information technology can't exist said strongly plenty: Stay positive.

  • Read your past twelvemonth'south functioning review, and then y'all can call back clearly the objectives you outlined in information technology.


  • Practise not false anything. Never lie.

  • Don't bring up the names of other employees negatively.


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Article Summary X

To write your own functioning review, ask nearly the specific format your employer wants. So, create content that emphasizes the highlights of your job performance and be sure to include facts, figures, and specific dates to support your claims. Focus on how your operation reflects your employer's core competencies, and don't forget to proofread carefully earlier submitting your review! To learn more than most striking the correct tone when writing your performance review, read on!

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