Funny Rhings Kids of 911 Dispatchers Say

Asked by: Ermelina Iannetti
asked in category: General Concluding Updated: 16th January, 2020

What questions do 911 dispatchers inquire?


  • Person'south trouble or the type of incident ("Tell me exactly what happened?").
  • Approximate age.
  • Is he or she witting?
  • Is he or she animate?
  • EXACTLY what the dispatcher asks you to do. Emergency service professionals are.

The data you provide a dispatcher is relayed to responding emergency services while they are on their way to the call. This allows them to assistance make educated decisions nigh how they respond to the phone call and what equipment they take with them.

what do 911 operators say? When you lot call 911, a phone call-taker will answer the phone and say "911" or "911, what'southward your emergency?". Ideally, y'all should tell the telephone call-taker what the emergency is, for example: "My house is on fire!" "There's someone breaking into my home!"

Correspondingly, what questions should I ask a dispatcher?

xiv questions you always wanted to inquire a 911 dispatcher, answered

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  • What's the worst call that you have ever faced?
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What data does a 911 dispatcher gather?

They are trained to get together data from the caller, remain calm, and then send the appropriate type of assistance, and volume of units, to the caller's location, based on the information from the caller. Callers may be victims of a crime, an accident, or health events such every bit a heart attack or seizure.

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